Information related to the Fishing vessel FV LE KIFF2 (MMSI 227301390, IMO unknown) from France with latest positions and portcalls.
MMSI | 227301390 |
Name | FV LE KIFF2 |
Country | France |
MMSI Type | Vessel |
Type | Fishing |
Call Sign | FQ3102 |
Class | A |
Id | 5c4876f234c1fe322baaa8a3 |
Course | 104 |
Speed (kn) | 10.8 |
Heading (°) | |
PAC | |
ROT | |
Status | Engaged in Fishing |
First Seen | 6 years ago |
Last Update | a few seconds ago |
Positions | 615 |
Latitude | 49.48916166666667 |
Longitude | 0.06891333333333333 |
Length (m) | 17 |
Width (m) | 6 |
ETA | Jan 1, 2020 12:00 AM |
Since first seen | 75992.58 |
Since last port call | 257.67 |
Since last position | 1.41 |
The Fishing vessel FV LE KIFF2 (mmsi 227301390) from country France is currently located at 49.489162 N 0.068913 E and the last position is sent a few seconds ago. At the moment the vessel is Engaged in Fishing heading degree at speed 10.8 knots, and its current draught is unknown meters. The vessel is long 17 m and large 6 m, and it's estimated to be loaded at 0%.
The following timeline will display the list of porcalls and other events regarding the ship including tracks.
This vessel has sunken
This vessel has changed its name to {{e.object}}
This vessel has been detected for the first time by Oceanook