Navaids List - Page 39
Details of over 44009 navaids worldwide, including description of the navaid and navaids positions on the map.
Aid Type | Not specified |
MMSI | 244790047 |
Name | |
Country | 599 |
Aid Type | RACON (radar transponder marking a navigation hazard) |
MMSI | 783954744 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Light Vessel / LANBY / Rigs |
MMSI | 1062093887 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Beacon, Special mark |
MMSI | 993693562 |
Name | |
Country | United States of America |
Aid Type | Not specified |
MMSI | 542650688 |
Name | |
Country | NU |
Aid Type | Not specified |
MMSI | 405463694 |
Name | |
Country | Bangladesh |
Aid Type | Beacon, Cardinal S |
MMSI | 990775238 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Beacon, Special mark |
MMSI | 17646784 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Not specified |
MMSI | 1051017638 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Not specified |
MMSI | 258293792 |
Name | |
Country | Norway |
Aid Type | Cardinal Mark W |
MMSI | 528553446 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Not specified |
MMSI | 352850688 |
Name | |
Country | Panama |
Aid Type | Reference point |
MMSI | 244670164 |
Name | |
Country | 599 |
Aid Type | Beacon, Cardinal S |
MMSI | 990787520 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Beacon, Isolated danger |
MMSI | 1069695935 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Beacon, Cardinal W |
MMSI | 528685222 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Beacon, Cardinal S |
MMSI | 715829539 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Reference point |
MMSI | 236829864 |
Name | |
Country | GI |
Aid Type | Reference point |
MMSI | 1070465984 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Cardinal Mark W |
MMSI | 114692819 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Not specified |
MMSI | 447031252 |
Name | |
Country | Kuwait |
Aid Type | Cardinal Mark N |
MMSI | 716655199 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Starboard hand Mark |
MMSI | 528685218 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Beacon, Cardinal S |
MMSI | 994046974 |
Name | |
Country | |
Aid Type | Safe Water |
MMSI | 528684542 |
Name | |
Country | |