Information related to the Cargo vessel PEGASOS (MMSI 636017725, IMO 9624653) from Liberia with latest positions and portcalls.
MMSI | 636017725 |
IMO | 9624653 |
Name | PEGASOS |
Country | Liberia |
MMSI Type | Vessel |
Type | Cargo |
Call Sign | D5ML3 |
Class | A |
Id | 5c4d31ad44324143412fa138 |
Course | 190.8 |
Speed (kn) | 12.1 |
Heading (°) | 195 |
PAC | |
ROT | 0 |
Status | Under way using engine |
First Seen | 6 years ago |
Last Update | 5 minutes ago |
Positions | 664 |
Latitude | 55.98512 |
Longitude | 12.676128333333333 |
Length (m) | 229 |
Width (m) | 32 |
ETA | Nov 19, 2024 12:00 AM |
Since first seen | 307360.4 |
Since last port call | 908.4 |
Since last position | 0 |
Current | 14.5 |
Min | 1.5 |
Max | 14.5 |
Average | 11.88 |
The Cargo vessel PEGASOS (mmsi 636017725) from country Liberia is currently located at 55.985120 N 12.676128 E and the last position is sent 5 minutes ago. At the moment the vessel is Under way using engine heading 195 degree at speed 12.1 knots, and its current draught is 14.5 meters. The vessel is long 229 m and large 32 m, and it's estimated to be loaded at 100%.
The following timeline will display the list of porcalls and other events regarding the ship including tracks.
This vessel has sunken
This vessel has changed its name to {{e.object}}
This vessel has been detected for the first time by Oceanook